Институт философии Российской академии наук  


Сектор социальной эпистемологии


      Касавин Илья Теодорович


(р. 07.11.1954, г. Москва)



Cпециалист по теории познания, социологии знания, современной немецкой и англо-американской философии. К.ф.н. (1983), д.ф.н. (1990). Член-корреспондент Российской Академии наук (2003). Основатель и главный редактор ежеквартального журнала Института философии РАН «Эпистемология & философия науки» (с 2004). Основатель и заведующий сектором социальной эпистемологии ИФ РАН (с 2005).

Касавин И.Т. разрабатывает широкий круг проблем эпистемологии и философии науки, в частности, проблем рациональности, научных революций и традиций в науке, предложил оригинальные концепции знания, истины, творчества, социальной обусловленности познания, анализировал понятия обыденного сознания, языка, пространства и времени, переводил на русский язык труды англо-американских и немецких философов. Последние годы работает над построением неклассической социальной эпистемологии. Им опубликовано свыше 250 научных работ, в т.ч. 9 монографий и двух брошюр, при этом две монографии и свыше 20 статей написаны и опубликованы на иностранных (немецком и английском) языках.

Полный список научных трудов

Основные книги:

1.  Теория познания в плену анархии. М., 1987. 204 С.

2.  Рациональность в познании и практике. М., 1989 (в соавторстве с З.А. Сокулер). 191 С.

3.  Познание в мире традиций. М., 1990. 206 С.

4. Ansаеtze zu der sozialen Erkenntnistheorie. Universitаеtsverlag: Bremen, 1997. 92 S.

5.  Миграция. Креативность. Текст. Проблемы неклассической теории познания. СПб., 1999. 407 С.

6. Традиции и интерпретации. Фрагменты исторической эпистемологии. СПб., 2000. 316 С.

7.  Социальная теория познания. Учебное пособие. М., 2001. 174 С.

8.  Soziale Erkenntnistheorie. Migrationsmetaphern, Wissenstypen, Textepochen. Nichtklassische Ansаеtze. Georg Olms Verlag: Hildesheim, 2003. 292 S.

9.  Анализ повседневности. М., 2004 (в соавторстве с С.П. Щавелевым). 431 С.

10. Текст. Дискурс. Контекст. Введение в социальную эпистемологию языка. М., 2008. 510 С. (в печати).


Касавин – редактор и составитель 18 коллективных монографий, руководитель организованного им российско-германского Центра по изучению нем. философии и социологии (с 1994), организатор 4-х международных симпозиумов, ряда международных научно-исследовательских и переводческих проектов, участник международных конгрессов и конференций. Под его редакцией опубликовано 16 томов журнала «Эпистемология & философия науки».

В 1986 г. по решению Президиума РАН Касавин И.Т. первым из российских молодых философов был удостоен Медали Академии наук с премией за цикл работ по методологии науки. Касавин И.Т. неоднократно премирован за свои работы Ученым Советом ИФ РАН. В 1991 и 1993 гг. он избирался приглашенным старшим исследователем коллежа Линекер Оксфордского университета (Великобритания), в 1992-2002 гг. удостаивался стипендий Фондов Гумбольдта, Круппа, Фольксвагена, Темплтона, Немецкой Службы академических обменов (Германия),  работал приглашенным исследователем в ряде университетов Германии и Великобритании.



Curriculum vitae

Name                                                                                        Ilia (Ilya)

Patronymic                                                                         Teodorovitsch

Surname                                                                  Kassavine  (Kasavin)

Date of birth                                                                November, 7, 1954

Place of birth                                                                    Moscow, Russia

Family status                                                           married, two children

Nationality (citizenship)                                                                Russian


Office: Moscow 119992, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Volkhonka 14, room 203.                                                                                                         


School education: English high school in Moscow (1962-1972).

Soviet Army service (1992-1994).

Foreign languages: English, German

Research interests: epistemology and philosophy of science, study of religion, history and theory of culture, philosophical anthropology, cognitive sciences, history of science.

Curriculum: general epistemology; social epistemology; philosophy of science; science and religion; interdisciplinary methods in epistemology

Professional education: Philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University (1975-1980). M.A. (1980): Philosophical systems of Berkley and Fichte: A Comparative Study. Postgraduate studies at the department for the history of philosophy (1980-1983). Ph.D.(1983): Title of the dissertation: "Foundation of Paul Feyerabends philosophy of science" (published as "Epistemology captures by anarchy" (1987).

Doctor of Philosophy habilitus (1990): the Title of dissertation: "Tradition as sociocul­tural form of knowledge" (published as "Knowledge in the world of traditions"(1990) 


Professional activity:


Research and teaching at the Institute of Philoso­phy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Department of episte­mology (since 1983):

Research fellow (1983-1987);

Senior research fellow (1987-1990);

Leading research fellow (1991-1998);

Research director (1998-2003);

Head of research group (1989-1992, 2003-2005);

Lecturer at the Moscow University, Department for the philosophy of science (1989-1992);

General Secretary of the Centre for the Study of German Philosophy in Moscow (since 1993);

Assistant Professor at the Russian Centre of Education in the Social Sciences and Humanities (1997-1999);

Professor at the Philosophical Faculty of the State University for Humanities (since 1998);

Professor at the University of the Russian Academy of Education (since 1999);

Head of the Department for Epistemology and History of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Education (since 2001);

Founder and Editor in Chief of the “Epistemology & Philosophy of Science”, journal of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2003).  

Founder and Head of the Department of Social Epistemology, Institute of Philosophy RAS (since 2005).


Activity abroad:


Lecturer at the Universities of Delhi and Bombay (India, 1986);

Papers and lectures at the Universities of: Sofia, Berlin, Bremen, Budapest, Edinburgh, Greifswald, Gunsan, Kiel, London, Oxford, Prague, Seoul, Trier, Warschaw, etc. (1982-2004);


Papers at:


World Congress of Philosophy (Brighton, 1988);

International School of Philosophy (Sofia, 1988);

Summer School for Philosophy and Sociology of Science (Dubrovnik, 1990);

International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Uppsala, 1991)


Research work in Oxford and Edinburgh (1991, 1993);

Research work in Kiel and Eichstaett (1992-1996);

Co-manager of the joint research project of the Volkswagen Foundation (Kiel-Moscow, 1994-1998).


Fellowships, awards and honours:


Scientific award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scholars (1987);

The George Soros Foundation „Open Society“ fellowship (Moscow-Oxford, 1989-1990);

Visiting Senior Member of Linacre (Oxford, 1991, 1993);

Research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Kiel, 1992-1994; 2001; 2003; Leipzig, 2005);

Research fellowship of the Krupp Foundation (Eichstaett 1994-1996);

Research grant of the Volkswagen Foundation (1994-1998);

Research fellowship and publishing grant of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (1997-1999, 2000, 2003-2005);

Research fellowships and publishing grants of the Russian State Social Sciences Foundation (1997, 1998-1999, 2000-2002, 2002-2005);

Grant of the George Soros Foundation „Open Society“ (director, Moscow 2001-2002).

Member of Scientific Council of the Institute of Philosophy, RAS;

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (election 2003).  

Director of the GPSS Project (2005-2006); Member of Qualification Council in epistemology, ontology, philosophy of sciences and logic of the Institute of Philosophy , RAS; Member of Scientific Council for Methodology of Artificial Intellect Studies, RAS.

Grant of the John Templeton Foundation in Science & Spirituality: 2006, 2007-2009, Director and Principal Investigator




Over 250, among them 9 monographs and 2 brochures, editor and author of 35 collective volumes.




1.      Kasavin I. Epistemology captured by anarchy. Moscow . 1987. 204 P. (Rus.)

2.      Kasavin I., Soculer S. Rationality in knowledge and practice. Moscow . 1989. 197 P. (Rus.)

3.      Kasavin I. Knowledge in the world of traditions. Moscow , 1990. 206 P. (Rus.)

4.      Kassavine I. Ansaetze zu der sozialen Erkenntnistheorie. Bremen. 1997. 92 P. (German)

5.      Kasavin I. Migration. Creativity. Text. Problems of the non-classical theory of knowledge. Sankt-Peterburg, 1999. 407 P. (Rus.)

6.      Kasavin I. Traditions and interpretations. Essays in the historical epistemology. Sankt-Peterburg, 2000. 316 P. (Rus.)

7.      Kasavin I. Social theory of knowledge. A reader for the university students. Moscow 2001. 175 P. (Rus.)

8.      Kassavine I.  Soziale Erkenntnistheorie. Migrationsmetaphern, Wissenstypen, Textepochen. Nichtklassische Ansaetze. Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2003. 291 S. (German)

9.      Kasavin I., Schavelev S. Analysis of Alltaeglichkeit. Moscow, 2004.  431 P. (Rus.)


 List of selected papers:


1.                  George Berkeley as a critic of science and methodology // International Congress for logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Moscow, 1987 (Eng.)

2.                  On the subject matter of the social theory of knowledge // 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of science, Uppsala, 1991 (Eng.).

3.                  In the former Soviet Union. Studies in social epistemology // Social Epistemology, 1993, N 2 (Eng.).

4.                  Zur deskriptiven Auffassung der Wahrheit // Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1994, Nr.3 (German).

5.                  Oxford-1990: a case-study of the British philosophers // Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 1995, Nr.3 (Eng.).

6.                  Berkeley revised: A new metaphysics for the social epistemology // Epistemologia, 1996, N 3 (Eng.).

7.                  Zum Begriff  "Grenzerfahrung" // Wissenschaftliche und ausserwissenschaftli­che Denkformen, Moskau. 1996 (German).

8.                  Zur geistigen Situation in Europas Osten. Diskussion mit Ilia Kassavine und Wlodzimierz Borodziej. Frankfurt, 1996. 76 S. (German)

9.                  Russische Philosophie heute. Bremen, 1999. 25 S. (German)

10.              The Cross-roads-man: Knowledge as Allegory // The Philosophical Faculty. Nr 1. Moscow , 2000, 150-156 P. (Rus.)

11.              Die Situation der Philosophie in Russland // Information Philosophie, 2002, № 1 (German)

12.              Alltaeglichkeit: Diesseits ansaessiger Erfahrung // The Scientific Community in Russia and European Integration. Symposium der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. М., 2002 (German)

13.              How to construct the values of a new civilization // Papers of the International Symposium “Philosophy and Society in the 21st Century”. Seoul-Gunsan, 2004 ( Eng. )

14.              Problem and context. On the nature of philosophical discourse // Voprosi filosofii, М., 2004, № 12 (Rus.)

15.              World of science and Lebenswelt // Soziema, № 10, 2004 (Rus.)

16.              Epistemology and the Interdisciplinary Idea // Social Sciences, № 2, 2005 (Eng.)

17.              Contextualism as a methodological program // Epistemology & philosophy of science. 2005, № 4 (Rus.)

18.              Social Epistemology: the concept and problems // Epistemology & philosophy of science. № 1, 2006 (Rus.)

19.              The problem of text: between epistemology and linguistics // Epistemology & philosophy of science. № 2, 2006 (Rus.)

20.              Science and Other Forms of Thinking: An Emerging Interdisciplinary Paradigm // Knowledge and Belief: Different Cultural Approaches. Moscow, М., 2006 (Eng.)

21.              Discourse analysis as an interdisciplinary method of humanities // Epistemology & philosophy of science. № 4, 2006 (Rus.)

22.              Meaning as a problem of epistemology and the sciences // Epistemology & philosophy of science. № 3, 2007 (Rus.)

23.              On the origins of the communicative – semiotic approach to consciousness. M. Bakhtin and J. Lotman // Philosophical Sciences, № 12, 2007 (Rus.)

24.              Discourse analysis and its application in psychology // Problems of Psychology, № 6, 2007 (Rus.)

A cosmological and epistemological discourse in the theatre of William Shakespeare // Problems of Philosophy. № 9, 2007 (Rus.) 


Editor and Author:


1.      Kasavin I. (Ed.) Non-scientifical knowledge. Moscow , 1987. 120 P. (Rus.)

2.      Kasavin I. (Ed.) Cognitive tradition. Moscow , 1989. 146 P. (Rus.)

3.      Kasavin I.  (Ed.) Erring reason. Studies in the non-scientific forms of cognition. Moscow , 1990. 464 P. (Rus.)

4.      Kasavin I., Lektorsky W. (Eds.) Activity. Theories, methodology, problems. Moscow , 1990. 366 P. (Rus.), also English edition (1992, U.S.A. )

5.      Kasavin I. (Ed.) Magical crystal. Magic viewed by the scientists and shamans. An Anthology. Moscow, 1992. 526 P. (Rus.)

6.      Kasavin I.  (Ed.) By the Time Punished. Philosophical ideas in the contemporary Russian literature. Moscow, 1992, 257 P. (Rus.)

7.      Kasavin I., Lektorsky W. (Eds.) Knowledge in the social context. Moscow , 1994. 176 P. (Rus.)

8.      Hübner K., Kasavin I., Porus W. (Hgs.) Scientific and non-scientific forms of thought, 1996, 328 P. (deutsch)

9.      Kasavin I. (Ed.) Knowledge beyond Science. An anthology. Vol. I. Moscow, 1996, 448 P. (Rus.)

10. Kasavin I., Porus V. (Eds.) Religion. Magic. Myth. Contemporary philosophical studies. Moscow, 1997, 292 P. (Rus.)

11.  Kasavin I., Porus V. (Eds.) Philosophy of Science. Nr.5. The Annual. Moscow, 1999. 282 P. (Rus.)

12.  Kasavin I. (Ed.) Knowledge beyond Science. An anthology. Vol. II. Moscow, 1999, 724 P. (Rus.)

13.  Kasavin I., Porus V. (Eds.) Reason and Existence. Moscow, 1999. 401 P. (Rus.)

14.  Kasavin I. (Ed.) Uranus and Crones. Chronotopos of the Human World. Moscow, 2001. 359 P. (Rus.)

15.  Kasavin I. (Ed.) Agent. Cognition. Activity. A jubilee volume for V. Lektorsky. M., 2002. 718 P.

16.  Kasavin I. (Ed.) Human Being. Science. Civilization. A jubilee volume for V. Stepin. M., 2004. 815 P.

17.  Kasavin I. (Ed.) Knowledge and Society. Proceeding of international symposium. M., 2005. 255 P.

18. Kasavin I. (Ed.) Science and Religion. A comparative and interdisciplinary approach. M., 2006. 471 P.

19. Kasavin I. (Ed.) Language, Cognition, Society. Problems of social epistemology. M., 2007. 180 P.

20-35. Kasavin I. (Ed.) Epistemology & Philosophy of Science, 2004-2007, 16 volumes.


Translations (from English and German into Russian):


1.      Whitehead A.N. Philosophical works. Moscow , 1990, 717 P. (Rus., with co-authors)

2.      Hübner K. Kritik der wissenschaftlichen Vernunft. Moscow , 1995. 326 P. (Rus.)

3.      Hübner K. Die Wahrheit des Mythos. Moscow , 1996. 448 P. (Rus., with co-authors).

4.      Sandkühler H.J. Wirklichkeit des Wissens. Geschichtliche Einführung in die Epistemologie und Theorie der Erkenntnis. Moscow , 1996, 432 (Rus., with co-authors).

5.      Hübner K. Das Nationale. Moscow, 2001. 399 P. (Rus., Ed.)










Проекты сектора социальной эпистемологии

  журнал семинар гранты  тексты энциклопедия наука и духовность

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